Weather at YAAHP | |
59.6218N 136.4429W 952m | |
Aug 24, 2023 - 12:00 PST | |
Air Temperature | |
8.8°c | |
Relative Humidity | |
100.0% | |
Wind Speed | |
4.1 km/h | |
Wind Gust | |
12.0 km/h | |
Wind Direction | |
129° | |
Snow Depth | |
6 cm | |
Hourly Rain | |
0.0 mm | |
Hourly Water Equivalent | |
0.2 mm | |
Reflected SW | |
11.0 W/m² | |
Min. Battery Voltage | |
13.0 V | |
Sunrise | Sunset |
16:00 | 16:00 |
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